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Become a Collection Site

Syringe Safety & Disposal

Collection Site

Install a temper-proof sharps collection drop box (kiosk) for direct deposit of sharps (in containers) by consumers.

A CBO interested in participating as a safe sharps collection site by installing a kiosk must register with the NYSDOH as a collection site, comply with NYSDEC regulated medical waste regulations, and meet other requirements. 

The New York State Department of Health can provide a kiosk and inserts for CBOs that meet the requirements. For more details on this topic click here.

REACH CNY, Inc. staff members are available to provide information and technical assistance for organizations in Central New York that would like to learn more about becoming a sharps collection site. We can help you analyze the logistics at your site, help you fill out the application, and connect you with existing sites so you can see how the process works. 

If your organization is outside Central New York, we can connect you with technical assistance in your region.

Want to learn more? Please contact us at 315-424-0009 ext 112 or

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